Are you tired of your shower screen looking dirty no matter how much effort and cleaning materials you put into getting it clean? If you are, we have a glass coating product that can help you out. Our product called EnduroShield, and in this article. I’m going to tell you about its high-performance coating work. How you can cut your cleaning time in half, and reduce elbow grease exponentially.
Daily, we get queries on how to clean the glass properly and what products to use; our answer is always the same. We use a basic glass coating that we’ve been using for years because many tests found it to be the best product.
So what’s our ticket to the easy life and keeping your glass clean? ENDUROSHIELD.
Enduroshield is a High-performance Nanocoating protective layer that we apply to the glass surface.
Once the EnduroShield glass coating applied to the glass, it is incredibly easy to clean. It is not a never-clean product, it just makes cleaning much easier than it is without it.
EnduroShield an easy clean coating for glass that repels dirt and grime. This means that once the coating put on a glass surface. It makes it 10x easier to clean and reduces cleaning time by 90%.
All you need to clean a glass surface protected by EnduroShield is a hot, soapy sponge, some fresh water, and a squeegee. And your glass will stay good as new for at least 10 years. All it costs is a couple of hundred dollars to get 10 years’ worth of protection for your shower screen. Now this is a deal you shouldn’t pass up.
I’ve focused on shower screens in this article, but EnduroShield can use for a wide range of glass, ceramic, porcelain tile, grout, stainless steel, and chrome surfaces. If you think you’ll need it for your next glass project, don’t hesitate to contact us.